The Power of Saying Thank You
The Power of Saying Thank You
by Jamie Karia
"Feeling grateful or appreciative of someone or something in your life actually attracts more of the things that you appreciate and value into your life." -- Christiane Northrup, MD
Hearing these two simple words ‘thank you’ can evoke a sense of acknowledgment and/or appreciation. These two words can be easily forgotten to be said or used without sincerity. I bring this topic up because each day that goes by we tend to do various things for others or help in someway without hearing these two simple words ‘thank you’.
As I speak with many people in the workforce regarding the lack of using the phrase ‘thank you’, they too report that they want to be appreciated for their extra efforts. There are some companies that would reward employees that make a deadline on time, work extra hours or take on added responsibility without monetary compensation. As a result, workers do the minimum required to get their tasks accomplished. Ultimately, individuals will work harder and are more eager to work for a boss or company that recognizes them for their hard work. A good manager is one who can praise their employees when it is well deserved and does not let hard work go unrecognized.
Let’s apply appreciation in relationships. Not feeling valued or feeling unappreciated can negatively impact one’s relationship. Relationships can be improved when one is cognizant of their efforts in displaying gratitude, appreciation, and encouragement. Often, it is easier to focus on negative aspects in a relationship; however, saying ‘thank you’, ‘great dinner’, ‘I love the way…’, etc can bring a greater response . Ongoing gratitude and appreciation can strengthen any relationship which could offset times of arguments and conflicts.
Expressing gratitude and appreciation is a great tool that could improve your relationships. I ask you now to take this time to think of the people who are supportive and appreciated of you. I ask this of you because people can easily go unnoticed for their efforts, support and encouragement. I hope that this insight on the importance of appreciation, gratitude and saying ‘thank you’ inspires or reminds to say ‘thank you’ in the near future..
It does not take much to make someone feel valued.
"If you concentrate on finding what is good in every situation, you will discover that your life will suddenly be filled with gratitude, a feeling that nurtures the soul." -- Rabbi Harold Kushner
"Gratitude creates the most wonderful feeling. It can resolve disputes. It can strengthen friendships. And it makes us better men and women." -- Gordon B. Hinckley
"Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it." -- William Arthur Ward, author and teacher